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LIVING IN THE “SEA OF IMAGES” -Ntomchukwu Ukachukwu

  •  Meet the Colours that Rule the World
  • An Excursion into the Nature of Colours
  • Our Relationship with Colours
  • How Do We See Objects? 
  • A World Without Images
  • What Exactly Can You Say?
The above image refers to what is commonly referred to in science as the Visible Spectrum. Not to worry, it simply means the part of a wider phenomenon known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum, EMS. The latter is a graphic representation of the electrical, magnetic and visible spheres of existence which science has been able to pin down on paper.
The colours, as you can see are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. They are called  the primary colours. What this means is that there are still other colours besides. The primary colours can mix with each other. When this happens we then have the many other colours known as secondary colours. We also describe have hues of the original or primary colours. So we talk about grey, chocolate, maroon, lemon, sky blue, gold, turquoise. Am sure you have other ones in mind now.
An Excursion into the Nature of Colours
These colours are not new to us. However, science has proven conclusively that the energy levels of these colours vary a lot. Red has the lowest vibration or strength, followed by Orange, then moving on gradually to the highest which is Violet. Higher qualities are not normally expressed the way we feel ordinarily. For example the president of a country is hardly seen but all the events that go on are through his approvals.

If you have made naked fire from wood, you will notice that the fire changes colour beginning from red to orange, then green before you see the blue and eventually violet. Violet fire is easily produced from gas burners. That’s why food cooked with gas burners get done in a few moments. The vibration is much higher than that of orange fire from wood.

Our Relationship with Colours
The colours we know come from objects and from light. That is what it appears to be. But is it really so? A renowned scientist Albert Einstein was able to reduce the relationship between objects and light a famous equation. This he bequeathed to this world before his departure. In the equation he said that E=MC2

Einstein meant that life is energy E. That an Object M is only a fraction of Light C

Now the point to note here is that we, you and I, are included in the group called Objects in the equation denoted by the letter M. To cut the long story short, our bodies are lights that have been reduced through a process introduced by Nature during its development or fabrication.
This is our connection with the colours that are around us. To a large extent it is safe to state that we cannot have life unless the colours stay with us day in day out.

How Do We See Objects?
Of course we see with the eyes. Let us say you are holding a leaf right up with your hand. The leaf is an object. You can only see that leaf if there is a source of light nearby. Without a light source you cannot see the leaf, though you can swear that you are still holding it. So the light strikes the leaf. This light is reflected to our eyes but not all of it. The leaf absorbs some of it. If the vibration of the leaf is in the range of Green, then it will absorb all the other colours and reflect or push out the green colour.

This is because the law of polarity says that Like Forces Repel each other while Unlike Forces Attract each other. The image of the object that eventually reaches our eyes is in green colour. This green colour carries the image of the object, the leaf. I have brought the leaf to our eyes but only as an image. You are still firmly holding the object in your own hand.

 This is only sample of what is constantly going on in our life every day, every week, every month and year. We are only having images, images and images. This is a natural law. It is important to state here that if the light that struck the leaf does not contain the green colour, well, the object will appear to be dark! This is the reason you enter a place with say only read lights and some objects there appear dark. The red light does not contain their colour

A World Without Images
So how did the green colour of the leaf reach our eyes? Between one object and another there is what we call Space. Without Space images cannot reach us. This is very important. We need to ask ourselves what the space contains, with which it carries the images. Space is the medium through which light travels to reach our eyes. To the ordinary observer the space is emptiness. However scientists state clearly that space contains something! We shall be exploring the content of space later.

 At every moment in our life there millions of images swirling around us. They are from space, either entering our eyes or impinging on the other parts of our body. With Light and Space images then reach us safely. If another object stands between us and the approaching image then we see nothing but the new object not the one we had expected. Images are actually the instruments with which we carry out our daily activities here on earth. The objects are there alright. But without the Light and then the Space there will certainly be no life as we have it today.

The Value of Images
That is why if we are asked for example, “Where is your car?”  We say that it is in the house. However the vehicle may have been taken away. We simply gave the answer based on where we observed the car to be. We used the images we had stored earlier thinking we are correct. Yes images are stored in the brain for used from time to time.

We believe the images so strongly that we are ready to fight over it. Indeed that is what we have. You probably have heard the statement, “blessed are those who did not see but believed.”  Ancient wisdom you would say.

As I put down these words I thought to myself, Oh I see only the image of the computer and the images of the words, not the computer or the words themselves. A proper paradigm shift is very necessary to help us live with the grand illusion that creation has thrown on us.


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