You, obviously, are not
hearing about this herb for the first time. Ginger, the House Master, is a
household name today. Before now very few people were aware of the many
benefits that Ginger offers. Because most people could hardly afford the menus
where it appears, it remained the exclusive preserve of a few until probably
the past ten, fifteen years. By this time the general populace had become
exposed to the goodies that accrue from the use of Ginger.
Personally I came across
Ginger in the late eighties when my quest for things natural had gotten the
better part of me. I was constantly drawn nearer individuals and situations that
revealed what Ginger could do in human life. I began to use Ginger and
gradually began to study it to better appreciate its efficacy.
Ginger is an underground
stem referred to as rhizome. While the leaves shoot out above the ground it
stays under, like cocoyam does. However Ginger can only grow easily in
temperate environments; places that are generally cold throughout the year.
When it matures, it has a light golden colour with a faint greenish tint. The
feel is generally hard and it has high fibre content.
It’s not difficult to
locate these days. Salad items and seasoners used to be sold only in grocery
stores, far removed from the masses. The affluent ones who equally attended
good schools had the exclusive preserve of this wonder herb. If you happen to
accompany this set people to an elite sponsored dinner you could have tasted it
without really knowing what you ate. Hahaha! Yeah, and that’s the truth anyway.
When a child washes the hands well, then the elder would consider inviting such
to dinner.
These days, however, that
which the husband denied the wife can be found in the marketplace! Ginger is
now very much available in the various food markets worldwide. I mean even in
the remotest villages Ginger is available. Most people now use it in their
Ginger can be used in its
fresh state. It is also used as oil or juice. Ginger can be dried and as well
ground into powder form. It can be used for seasoning in soups and stew,s as
well as for boiling meat and fish, especially when the latter are still in
fresh state. The aroma from Ginger, released by the active oils will whet your
appetite so much. Am best with Ginger when I chew it raw.
1. Brings Emotional Wellbeing:
Ginger brings so much
feeling of wellness few minutes after being used. This is the very origin of
its name. A sense of balance, satisfaction, elements of good composure,
brightness and alertness accompanies the use of Ginger. If you feel somewhat
down in your emotions take some drink of Ginger. You will soon feel elated and
ready to meet life once again.
2. Aids in Eliminating Bacteria and Viruses:
Ginger is reputed to be
effective in the fight against certain bacteria and viruses. This is due to the
antioxidant properties that it possesses. It can detach a stubborn free radical
from the body cells and remove it completely from the
Our general environment is ridden with these bacteria and viruses; from air we
breathe, water we drink, cook with or bath with. We can also contact them through
poor hygiene and those already infected.
3. Effective Management of Morning Sickness:
When women are pregnant
there is this unwellness that usually greet them on their waking up every
morning. This usually happens in the first three months of the pregnancy. It is
commonly referred to as ‘Morning sickness’. The pregnant lady finds it hard to
fit into the day; not even sure of the nature of the uneasiness. She could
easily vomit.
There are a lot of changes
that take place when a pregnant person is asleep. This to continuously prepare
the body for the tasks ahead. It is as if the lady was not consulted. So when
she wakes up the body seem to be unfit for her. Ginger come comes in handy to
assist in bringing normalcy to the body.
Chewing Ginger raw or taking it when cut in small
pieces and boiled in water, as a drink, quickly restores the body.
4. Enables the Proper Functioning of the Brain:
In certain parts of the
brain information transfer is only through electrons jumping from one nerve
ending to the other nearby nerve. They are not directly connected. Normally
this poses no challenges at all. However in certain conditions, as a result of
illness or old age, this normal brain functions becomes a serious matter.
Ginger comes to the rescue.
The presence of the active substance in Ginger known as Gingerone helps the
nerves to calm down enough to perform their dedicated functions. Taking the
Ginger drink morning and night has a good effect.
5. Ginger Relieves Muscular
Occasionally, due to extra pull on the muscles to achieve certain goals,
it tears or pulls off from the neighouring muscles. It may be due to a fall,
serious tackles in sports, accidents or even in the course of normal physical
exercises. This causes serious pains. The affected person may need to rest the
muscle, sitting up or lying down as the case may demand. Drinking boiled
Ginger, adding it as spices to cook meals and chewing it from time to time,
does bring a lot of relief.
6. Good in Lowering Blood Pressure and Providing Heart
One of the great benefits
of Ginger is in the area of Lowering Blood Pressure as well as improving the
strength of the heart muscles. High blood pressure has come to be one of the
most challenges health situations today. The speed of human endeavours has gone
up so much that the blood pressure at times jumps to abnormal levels.
When this not checked, it
results in unpleasant consequences. Such outcomes range from shock to heart
failure. Gingerone, present in Ginger, comes in handy to forestall the onset of
high blood pressure. The consumption of Ginger, on daily basis, is highly
recommended for people who are constantly under mental pressure.
7. Clears Chronic Indigestion:
Illnesses, mental pressure, poor nutrition are some of the major causes
of Indigestion. If not checked it becomes chronic, as if the body has accepted
it as normal. When the stomach cannot process foods and drinks as expected the
possibility of more ailments become very obvious. It is very discomforting for
one to eat when having indigestion.
It could lead to
antiperistalsis, a condition where the stomach starts pushing its contents back
to the mouth. This results in vomiting. Taking Ginger regularly helps the
system to relieve the closed lower end of the stomach and as well stimulate the
upper muscles of the stomach to contract and relax properly. In a short time
the evacuation of the stomach contents will begin and the bile duct will bounce
8. Effective in Handling Arthritic Pains:
From time to time I
experience arthritic pains. When it begins I waste no time in increasing my
intake of Ginger. It takes a short time for the pains to leave me alone. With
constant use of Ginger it is extremely hard for arthritis to have a foothold in
an individual. People who are getting old, mostly from fifty years on, may
consider to always have Ginger as part of their daily menu. Prevention is
always better than cure.
9. Reduces Cholesterol Levels:
Some types of fatty acids have been identified to be antagonistic to the
wellness of the body system. These fatty acids are referred to as cholesterols.
It is probably important to point out here that not all cholesterols are
bad. In fact the body does need some types of cholesterols on daily basis.
However, for the bad ‘guys’ that show up from time to time, Ginger is there to
check them at the ‘door’ of the body. It acts as antioxidant, effectively
forestalling the ravaging effects of the cholesterol.
remains a very effective home companion. Let me add here that nothing
whatsoever stops you from carrying Ginger along when you are leaving home. Your
bag is your assistant away from home. Put Ginger there in a secure healthy
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