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THE AFRICAN BITTER LEAF -Ntomchukwu Ukachukwu

The efficacy of African bitter leaf, surely, is not as popular as some other medicinal plants. But the African bitter leaf has made the world of herbal medicine rise up, with a wide range of research. One of the countries that developed the research on the efficacy of African bitter leaf is China.
This notwithstanding, Africans themselves have used their dearest domestic, hedge plant for donkey centuries. Africa has enjoyed the numerous health benefits of bitter leaf and we are very grateful to it.
 Various medical and herbal medicines use African bitter leaves to treat various diseases. And, eventually, the researchers acknowledge that the African bitter leaf is very beneficial for health.

Characteristics of African Bitter Leaf
The way to breed this tree is by the process of stem cuttings. So, you just need to plant stems that have branches and can grow fertile.
The leaves are generally broad with a rather rough surface, and shiny. If the weather supports the process of formation of the flowers, then small white flowers will appear. The trunk of the tree can grow high quickly and the leaves are dense. 

Part of the tree that can be exploited for health purposes
are the leaves and the roots.

Benefits of African Bitter Leaf
The Bitter Leaf has become one of the leaves that can be used in the herbal treatment of various types of diseases. In addition, the bitter leaf also contains a variety of good nutrients for the body such as phenolic acids, fatty acids, vitamins, essential acids, specialty oils, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and various mineral sources. So the bitter Leaf can also make the body become healthier and protected from various types of diseases.

1. Prevention of Cancer
The bitter leaf contains various antioxidant compounds that contribute to warding off free radicals. Various healthy cells destroyers can enter the human body through various ways such as food substances, pollutants or bad lifestyle.
This can increase the growth of cancer cells that cannot be detected easily because it usually does not cause pain at the beginning of the symptoms. As a precaution, you can process fresh the bitter leaves into tea. Boil fresh leaves with three glasses of water, let it boil and reserve up to 1 cup. Drink the boiled liquid bitter after it has cooled down.

2. Prevents Heart Disease
Heart disease is caused by the inability of the heart to process and regulate the heart pump that moves blood throughout the body. A decoction of the dry leaves increases the preventive properties greatly.

3. Lowers Cholesterol
Cholesterol has become one of the substances that are harmful to the body, especially bad cholesterol derived from animal fats, saturated fat.  Cholesterol also triggers various other types of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney failure. If you have a high enough cholesterol level then you can use the decoction of dried African bitter leaves. You can add honey or orange juice to reduce the bitterness.

4. Reduce Stroke Risk
Stroke is the effect of sudden electrical attack on the central nervous system leading to paralyses of all or part of the motor system. This may lead to partial or complete dislocation of the psycho-motor system. In the event the person becomes demobilized.

African bitter leaves contain special compounds that can prevent stroke by helping the body’s metabolic system, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and eliminate the fat content in the blood vessels.

5. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Blood sugar level is normally regulated by insulin which is produced naturally by the pancreas. But some people may have problems with blood sugar levels because of insulin resistance. If this happens, then the body does not have the ability to produce insulin so that blood sugar levels can be very high. Regular intake of tea from the decoction of fresh African bitter leaves for 2 times a day is very effective in lowering blood sugar levels and as well stabilize it.

6. Set Blood Pressure System
The bitter African leaf has properties that lowers high blood pressure and make blood pressure stable. To perform this treatment it is advisable to consume the boiled water of fresh African bitter leaves.

7. Treatment of Malaria
Boil a handful of dried African bitter leaves with 5 glasses of water. Allow to boil until about a glass of the water remains in the pot. Strain, then drink. If it’s too bitter you can add honey.

8. Management of Indigestion
 Some types of digestive disorders that can be treated with African Bitter leaves are constipation, bloating, and diarrhea. Simply boil dried African bitter leaves to tea. For the treatment of digestive problems do not add honey or flavor for more powerful effects.

9. Overcoming Abdominal Pains
For stomach problems use fresh African bitter leaves as an herb. Drink boiled water of African bitter leaves when still warm so that the stomach feels more comfortable.

10. Detoxification Procedures
The process of detoxification is very important for the body. This process is done to remove toxins that exist in the body. Toxins can cause various types of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, tumors, and other diseases. For detoxification process take the tea from fresh African bitter leaves as much as one glass every day.

11. Weight Regulation
Overweight is usually caused mainly by fat accumulation in the body and metabolic system disorders. As a result, the body will have heavy and unhealthy fat deposits. To help you lose weight you can use water from a dried African bitter leaf. Drink this tea on a regular basis, reduce the consumption of animal fat and exercise regularly. In this way, you can lose weight quickly.

12. Sleep More Comfortably
Many people cannot sleep soundly and this leads to insomnia. This disorder will send bad signals to the brain so the body cannot sleep well. To overcome this problem you can make tea from dried African bitter leaves. Drink one glass of dried African leaf tea before bed. The compound content of African leaves can help regulate the brain and motor system in order for the body to rest well.

13. Overcoming Urinary Disorders
This disorder can make a person to have difficulty to urinate. This disease attacks many elderly people. To overcome this problem please consume one glass of liquid from fresh African bitter leaf. However, if the complaint is reduced you kindly stop treatment.
The bitter leaf remains the herb to beat when it comes to managing health maladies.


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