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Showing posts from March, 2020


Lemongrass Nutrition Facts Lemongrass contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as luteolin, glycosides, kaempferol, elemicin, catechol, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, which help in providing an impressive range of medicinal aids.  The main component of this fragrant herb is lemonal or citral, which has antifungal and anti-microbial qualities.  Lemongrass is an aromatic storehouse of essential nutrients providing an array of health benefits.  It  is a source of essential vitamin and mineralssuch as vitamin A,  B-vitamins , folate, and  Vitamin   C,  potassium ,  magnesium , phosphorous,  manganese ,  zinc , and  iron , which are required for the healthy body function Health Benefits of Lemongrass Let us look, in details, at some of the most well-known health benefits of lemongrass: Lowers Cholesterol Lemongrass possesses anti-hyperlipidemic and...


* Dissolves Kidney Stones, Prevents Heart Failure, Controls Hypertension, Heals Peptic Ulcer, Stops Convulsion,  Commonly known as Resurrection plant, Never Die plant, Air plant, Miracle leaf, or Life plant; Bryophyllum pinnatum belongs to the plant family Crassulaceae .  It is known as Odaa Opue in Igbo, Ewe abamoda or Odundun in Yoruba, and Dabusi in China. To the Edo people of Western Nigeria, it is called Danweshin or Ekpokpo ; Afiayo in Efik; Umbu in Ijo-Izon. Africa Never Die  is a medicinally important plant.  Leaves of Africa Never Die possess flavonoid, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, terpenoids, carbohydrates, minerals and glycosides. When lightly roasted the leaves are used against cancer, inflammations. A mixture of leaf juice with coconut oil is used as a remedy for migraines and headaches.  Indigenous African people heat the leaves and apply them topically to boils and skin ulce...


Helllo Today, let’s look at cold vegetables. These are vegetables with large stem cells containing water. Examples of cold vegetables are, cabbages, lettuces, cresses, spinach, water leaves, water hyssop, and many others. These leaves are considered cold in the 3rd degree in health and diet and as such should not be mixed inappropriately with warm vegetables during cooking to avoid chemical reaction which can cause food poisoning. Most cold vegetables are rich in Vitamin C and has high level of different varieties of nutrients including zinc because of their water cell contents and for this should be used singularly to avoid excess quantity of food nutrients in the food which can cause body ill. Let us talk about health benefits of one of these cold vegetables that people do not pay attention to. Waterleaf (Talinum triangulare) ‘Waterleaf’ as it’s known is one of those underrated and undervalued plants in Africa, In Ghana, it is known as bokoboko. It grows...